Tuesday 29 September 2015

Palmistry Line of Officers

Palmistry For Officers Or Generals&Superior

To find the right way to reach the destination is easy. Similarly, if you have the right choice of career success and individual success on the road to move the kiss moves forward. But when it comes to career choice and often a mistake to sit the election, even after so much conflict remains feel the pain of disappointment and failure.

To avoid this problem, palmistry can help. Hstrekhaon texture of hands and you can know that God will grant you success in what areas.

Film and television career

According to palmistry, if someone is thinking of making a career in acting is so important that emerged Mountain Sun Mountain and Venus have occurred. Sun Mountain is part of the root of the ring finger and thumb Prwatk Venus is called the root portion.

Also note that even gentle fingers and the palm of the hand which bends backwards. Get to the root of the middle finger ring finger length. And fate line is another line crosses. Whose hand is that he has succeeded in acting. Such a person is popular and money-rich.

Make officials such lines

Sun factor of success in the government sector and the government are considered. Sun line is clear and deep in the palm of the person and on the line like Shubha signs triangles, squares or stars is a mark of high rank in the government sector receive. The third knuckle of the little finger, ring finger to reach the root. Tue Mountains or the life out of a line access Sun Mountain is also considered auspicious. Individuals are officials in the government sector.

Success in the field of engineering

Individuals who are thinking of making a career in engineering, they should see that the middle finger to the root of Saturn mountain palm is bulging. The fate line has been stopped at Saturn mountain. Jupiter mountain near the index finger of the palm to be embossed in the field is helpful to make a career.

Success in the medical field

Whose palm Mercury, Tue and Sun Mountain is bulged in the medical field are successful and famous. Pinky finger protruding Tue be many straight lines, and states that the person will be successful in the field of surgery.

Monday 28 September 2015

Palmistry for Vehicle

Palmistry For Vehicle

So get the lines on the palm area of the vehicle and physical comfort

The fate of each person is born with closed fists. Someone from your luck house, car and all means of physical pleasures are received is a life-long yearn for these pleasures.

Sometimes looking at other vehicle and bungalows in the heart weary c arises. Seeing palms seem to think that our fate in God forgot to write that well.

To read the articles written on the palm of God's creation Smudrashastr treatise called sea of sage. In this scripture has told us that the good effects of Venus meets the physical and vehicle comfort.

Venus is in the palm of the hand under the thumb position. The place to be in the upward vertical straight lines is good. There are signs that the vehicle will have on hand.
Untitled Document

Palmistry for women problems

Seeing these lines will know the secret of gynecology

Smudrasstr mentioned in the Venus mountain spider web sign be auspicious symbol pays off. It is a mark whose hand are quite romantic. Means of individual vehicles and receive physical pleasure.

Venus mountain stood on the starting line is a line the brain it suggests that after the age of 35 will grow in happiness and splendor.

Venus mountain starting line meets the fate line, it should indicate that the laws of association or with the help of a person of the opposite sex and all other means would give rise to life.

Whose palm near the wrist in a straight line starting from the middle reaches of the mountain, he sat down, or are very lucky. The perfect home for such a person, vehicle and each of the rooms are provided.

Whose lifeline or both at the beginning or end of the mole is a mark on them Lakshmi is pleased. A person with physical pleasures vehicle and enjoys life. Lotus in hand anywhere, check and sign the fish is considered to be the best.


this stone wears in middle finger on tuesday in a silver ring for eradicate all accident from vechile BUY from our shop we Energise this stone with Various mantras For You

Palmistry for illicit relationship

If such is the fate line damage caused by illegal connection

Destiny is not in line hand in the life after struggling to get success in life. But fate in the palm line and cut a line if it makes it more difficult.

Volatility in the life of the face. Smudrashastr of both sides in the palm of a hand, Fate line breaking out Aekha it suggests that people should be wary of enemies otherwise cause damage. It also enhances the position of family discord and strife.

Fate line breaking out from a line of thumb, it is a sign that the person concerned may be illegal and lust sits trapped in their loss. The funding and business sense to someone who works in the loss. Obstacles to the advancement of the face.

Whose palm from wrist to the bottom of the middle finger that comes straight line are very lucky. In contrast, swinging palm fate line is not considered auspicious. These business and employment in the face of repeated setbacks. Volatility is to look at life.

Smudrashastr has told us that the fate of the heart line, the line would not stay here on a person's face failure in love. Love love affair sits trapped in a man losing his career. Brain arrest came on the line, destiny line signals that the person may be lost due to a wrong decision will hamper progress.
Untitled Document


Palmistry for Vehicle


Palmistry For Vehicle



Palmistry Line of Officers

Palmistry For Officers Or Generals&Superior


Palmistry for saving money

If money does not stay in the hands of such people


Palmistry to know women features

Palmistry  for Women Features

The lines of the hand are interested in knowing the status of luck and wealth but these things do not just tell the lines of the hand. You can see the lines of the hand that person know what strengths. You also have certain qualities that women can learn.

Mercury in palmistry knowledge, intellectual capability, and is considered the factor of speech. Mercury in the palm of the place has been considered under the little finger. Treading a line of thumb when it comes to women in the Mercury area is considered perfect. Such women are very intelligent and eloquent speech and respect in the society and family and receive exclusive location.

Smudrashastr stated that women who Venus in the palm of a line that comes out of the mount to the Mercury mountain stays in social work. Women participate in politics proactive. They get high rank and honor.

He is a scholar in the palm of men who are ley. Math, science, singing and achievements in the field of literature do. People singing, painting and writing can make money from.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Palmistry for goverment jobs

Palmistry line for goverment jobs

Who would not want to benefit from the fruits of government funds. But it does not meet everyone's desire. It requires that the sum of the profit made by the government in your luck. Horoscope reading the work of a skilled fortune teller can only but, by themselves, can understand your palm you will benefit from the government or not.

Smudrashastr was informed that Sun Mountain bulged in their palm and then the sun comes straight line without a single cut is stronger. The government is the factor of the sun planet. This is the advantage of funding from the public sector. Such people also are likely to get a government job.

Sun Mountain is located in the root of the ring finger. Guru also take advantage of the public sector is considered a planet. Teacher draws a line going from the mountain Sun on the mountain means that the person can get high rank in the government sector. Politicians will or skilled consultants. Such a person respect and receives funding from the government.
Untitled Document

Palmistry for saving money

If money does not stay in the hands of such people


Guru Guru Mount Sinai and appeared to be many straight lines have also benefited from government funding shows. But the teacher whose palm mountain bulged much are they overrated. They are the pride of their intellect and knowledge. Guru Mountain is in the palm under the index finger.

Palmistry for girlfrind and laws

Palmistry girlfriends and laws that will then benefit from

You will benefit from laws that do not know you look closely at your palm.

According to palmistry thumb in your palm with no line should eventually reach the middle finger and index finger on his vein is folded so that means you will benefit from time to time by-laws.

It is believed that there is a line in whose hand the progress and happiness of the laws is a major contribution. The person that palmistry plenty of girlfriends get gifts. But the catch is that the Venus mountain prominence or notoriety of the face is sunken.

 Fate line may not be cut or reticular and Trtni finger over the square motif of palm but also individual laws is beneficial. The person's financial status is good. Enjoys a life filled with physical features.

Palmistry for saving money

If money does not stay in the hands of such people

Many persons complain that the money is spent as it comes. Wishing no money left. This may be a problem with you.

But there are some people that never make too much spending would have empty hands. Money for the work they do does not stop. You can learn why by his own hand

According to science soft palm is palm and fingers of those who have moved toward the back of the large generous nature. Such people are attracted to the physical pleasures and comforts their wealth
Interest in the objects would cost more.

Fingers to direct the space between the tips of their fingers, their money is not justified. Suddenly the sum of expenditure is made difficult by the savings asserts. But in the middle of the palm to be spent on deep space to save some success.

Whose fingers are fused with each other and in the middle of the palm is the pits tend to be stingy. Such people are upset at having to spend money. There is a strong desire to save them.

Palmistry for assets

If such lines will benefit from the assets in your palm

Everyone wants to make money these days is by investing in property. But some people get relief, some people also bear the losses. If you are planning to do something similar to what you will learn at the hand of these benefits.

Science says that the line in the palm of a hand over whose fate lifeline goal line and then the person should invest in fixed assets. The investment in this field gives him plenty of advantages.

Long fingers of individuals who may be the heart and the head line, lifeline round and destiny has stopped on the line, the head line must invest wisely in the property. The papers will be good to check the ground and the ground.

If your palm is the lifeline and heart and head line is rounded. There is a second line on the heart line, it is considered auspicious to invest in property.

Also in the palm master, Tue, Thu and Sat Mountains are raised to invest in fixed assets. But keep in mind as without delay should sell at reasonable cost.

Palmistry for children

How many children would you like to know?

If you want to know how many children you have or not have children, you will find happiness. Kids are talented or by crook, it's all you can see your palm itself.

Smudrashastr was informed that the palm vertical lines visible under the little finger and thumb near the Venus mountain lines which are too small, they are seen as children line.

It is believed that the child line is clear and clean, thin and light lines, while the son child shows female children reflect.

According to some books on palmistry such lines would also mean that the child may be physically weak.

According to palmistry, the Mercury mountain whose palm is clearly more protruding and children line four sons and three female children are likely to be. Children of such a person are cultured and virtuous.

Venus in the mountain under whose palm bottom of the thumb is the more embossed them is likely to be a child.

A child whose palm a clear line and are more pronounced than the other child is a child and they get pleasure from the special attachment.

In the palm of a man is not clear line so children do not need to worry. Such persons should see the line progeny in the palm of his wife. It is believed that the child line is more pronounced in men than in women's hands.

Saturday 26 September 2015

Palmistry for women problems

Seeing these lines will know the secret of gynecology

Women's health is a subject of menstruation. This irregularity has the opposite effect on the health of women and their irritability, back pain, insomnia, anemia and problems occur, such as mental stress.

Palmistry, and the hands of a few such lines have been mentioned conditions it is understandable that seeing what women Anymit menstrual discomfort may occur.

Palmistry says that women who have a cross on the field or in the palm of mars mars down the mountain and more strict or more soft hands of such women, menstrual discomfort. In this case, women may complain of back pain and blood loss.

Women who have broken the line and in the palm mars mars mountain is crushed over the menstrual pains. There is lifeline palm torn over who cut them must be facing this kind of problem.

According to palmistry, women who are hardened palm and palm lines are rare in the life of the two hands are straight face they have menstrual Anymitta.

Mole in palm


In palmistry, palm and on other parts of the body like Mole and other traces of the fruit has been reported.

Some scars are fruitful and Mole, so good, but some are considered unlucky. The signs are a thing of the Mole and the other which are not good.

Tue at two locations in the palm of Smudrashastr effect. First Venus and Jupiter mountain is the mountain area between the following Tue Tue says. Second Moon and Mercury mountain area above the little finger called the upward Tue.

Tue accident factor is considered the planet. Smudrashastr says in the palm of the person is following the trail of the mole on Tue should always avoid exposure. These road accidents, shock, fear of fire remains.

Smudrashastr also says that both mars place is not good to be anywhere traces of Mole. The train, bus, plane crash face. When the sign of the cross on Tue location gives blood disease. Such a person quickly become excited.

See fig 1
mars zero mark on the mountain in the palm of the person is made to suffer because of the wound face. mars mental trouble is following the trail of the moon. Such a person may be mentally ill.

Area  of mars  region is 1 
mars  Smudrashastr the black spot on the mountain is considered to be a sign of malignant disease. While the red smear on mars person suffering from fever suffers. mars mountain unhide is not considered auspicious signs.

Friday 25 September 2015

Palm's line opens a secret

Palmistry lines drawn in the palm of one's fortune, wealth and the many secrets of life can be known. But often people hear about their fate and the riches of palm do not try to learn about other lines. Such a line is greater than the riches and fortune mystery unfolds. Let's see what this line and what it says about you.


  • World gold, silver is too expensive told health funds. If your health will not be good despite the wealth you will not find their happiness. Take, for example, funds are diabetic, he can not eat sweets. So any line before knowing the health line and look Know how about your health, what disease you may suffer

  • Health Line Islands in the palm of the person ends up as the chest and lung-related diseases is expected to

  • According to palmistry, the health line is an oblique cut, then people should be more careful here. Such a person is exposed to severe accident.

  • Yellow line in the palm of the person is the health risk of disease is the secret.

  • Wavy line in the palm of a person's health and is strong Tue of the intestine disease, appendicitis, ulcers is likely to be.

  • According to palmistry, whose palm lifeline line coming out of the health or life of the touch line and the line on health have made ominous sign of the star is fruitful. Travel time and such a person should be cautious while driving, because the death of a person is likely to be during the visit.

  • Whose hand any other auxiliary line with the health line is moving his health remains good. There are no sick person soon. They also are less likely to have severe disease.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Line of moon


(FIG 1)

  • line  of intuition called line  of moon in  palmistry Line of Moon is considered very important in a person's palm The line may also appear only at the Head or Heart line as well. For more help locating it, in general, it makes a triangular shape with the Life line and the Head line.

  • Their personality is captivating and they have even the capacity to enchant their enemies. Such persons always help others and if some one ever does them any good they remain grateful to him forever

  • Such persons are socially responsible and have the exceptional capability to give right guidance and direction to the country and the society at the time of crisis

  • Those with strong Intuition lines at the Heart line (the top of the palm) are natural empaths. Their intuitive self speaks through “the heart chakra” and they may find their own emotions are strongly colored by those around them. They may have difficulty in large crowds due to their natural abilities to feel the emotional context of those around them, especially if they are not practiced at setting up internal filters in such situations.

  • This would indicate a person who has no real connection to their own intuitiveness. About an eighth to a quarter of all the palms look this way. When we see no Intuition line, I usually disregard mentioning it altogether in the process of a palm reading

  • . Their personality is captivating and they have even the capacity to enchant their enemies. Such persons always help others and if some one ever does them any good they remain grateful to him forever. 

  • Thus the line of Moon also indicates to the shining career and bright future of the individual

Thursday 17 September 2015

Palmistry for Paralysis


Star on Mount of Saturn  (line 3 in fig is mount of saturn)

  • a star was prediction of incurable disease; this was confirmed if it was also found in the saturn mount girdle, it could as well depict that one was to get paralyzed

  • This is common feature in the hands of dangerous criminals facing execution or equal penalty. Please do not be alarmed when reading this because the predictions were given before modern medicine and different laws

  • These people can commit suicide and can even get into dangerous, wrong, or illegal activities like cheating, bullying, robbery, etc. 

  • If the mount of Saturn is too small, then the owner may lack a sense of responsibility, disorganized, flighty, superficial and a lack of self-reflection.

  • A missing mount of Saturn is considered better than having a badly 

  • A star like symbol on any mount is considered a good symbol so is the case with the mount of Saturn. It brings success and recognition. On the other hand it can also a lot of opposition from the enemies can be expected 

Friday 11 September 2015

Horoscope For 2016


You will get success in every aspect of life whether it may  finance, education or honour. You have to take care of your health as Saturn is in your eighth house. 2016 will prove to be very beneficial for aries, especially first six months are really good Last six months of 2016 may bring some difficulties so take extra care & precautions while taking important decisions. Children issues can also bother you so stay calm & have patience as with love and patience, nothing is impossible. Financially this year 2016 will be marked with unnecessary expenses that will result in very less savings. As per the health is concerned, people born under this sign has to take special care of their diet as too much depending on spicy and oily food can take a toll on their health. Obesity, heart diseases, blood pressure and cholesterol are some of the health complaints that generally mark the lives of people born under this sign


You can expect some positive results in the beginning of 2016 but after that financial & social disturbance may arise. This year will be good one from financial point of view as source of income will be impressive, expenses can be controlled if tried hard and savings too will be good Mixed results can be seen for taurus  in the year 2016 However, care has to be taken in case of love marriages as some complications cannot be totally ruled out this year 2016. Kanya rashi and Mesha rashi can be thought of as good Vrishabha Rashi match. Try to make harmony at home & with your spouse also . Work hard in the direction of making life stable. You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind. Heath issues may arise and tendency to over-eat has to be controlled or several heath complaints will arise. Travelling opportunities and scopes, both domestic and international, are plenty this year 2016.


You can expect some positive results in the beginning of 2016 but after that financial & social disturbance may arise. Financially a control on the strings of their purse has to be ensured or savings will be really disappointing. Unnecessary waste of money on gadgets, electronics and as such has to be avoided by people with Mithun rashi or else financial issues might arise for over spending. . If you are working in partnership then its time to wake up as financial losses can disturb your peace of mind. Try to make harmony at home & with your spouse also .This year marriage prospects will be plenty and the alignment of stars indicate possibilities of happy marriage. You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind. Travelling and good heath also ensured.


. I recommend to be cautious in financial & business matters. Your mind may get diverted sometimes. Men and women with this sign are always emotionally very delicate and are quite sensitive from emotional point of view. This year they have to be strong as a few challenges to their personal life and family can unexpedly arise which will disturb the general atmosphere of their lives. Leaving first month aside the whole year of 2016 will bring  full of ups & downs as raahu is coming to 2nd house, Ketu in 8th house & saturn will be in 5th house . Be careful in education, health and anything related to your mind & intelligence. Marriage prospects are present but complications will be witnessed and Meena rashi, Brishba rashi can be suitable Kark rashi match. Kark rashifal 2016 suggest that art, music, drama, architectural fields will be most beneficiary to the people of this rashi and also scopes to prosper in the career fields will come along timely. Travelling sopes are plenty and will do good to the heath of the people, care has to be taken to avoid sea voyages and or travelling to places nearby water bodies.


Financially this year will be good with good savings and controlled spending but here also over-indulging in luxury can cause financial hardships towards the middle of the year 2016. Year 2016 will prove to be very auspicious for Leo Ascendants  unless & until Rahu comes to Lagna it will effect your thought process . You will find slight inclination towards negativity &  atheism so be careful. Saturn in Fourth house & coming of rahu in lagna will affect your health, specially when sun will be in sixth , eighth & twelve  house. Dominating tendency and an intention to do fake emotional dramas should be avoided by people born under this rashi, as this year 2016 can bring great family issues for these things. For maintaining peace and harmony in personal lives, people as per Singh rashi 2016 should exercise some compassion, respect to other’s views and choice as well as control their dominating impulses Be cautious while handling family matters. Remember “Family is not an important thing, it’s everything.” Marriage prospects are present and people born under the sign of Dhanush rashi, Makar rashi and Brishba rashi etc an proved to be ideal Singha rashi match to these people.


This year you will be free from all loans & tensions. Kanya rashifal 2016 shows very good scope for starting a new business or joining a better company that will help boosting income along with providing satisfactory job environment. To some extent the year 2016 will be beneficial for Virgo. Stars are giving strong indication of celebration in family.Brishba , Meena, Karkata and Kumbha rashi can be considered as good and satisfying Kanya rashi match if there is a plan to tie the knot this year. Scopes for doing arrange marriage will knock the door and also will bring good fortune. Marriage bells are ringing for singles in the first half of the year 2016. Successful year for competitors & studentsbut love marriage will be marked with some compilations. Health will be good.


More quality time with family needs to be spent than enjoying with friends if peace and harmony is to be ensured at home. Year 2016 will bring lots of ups & downs for Libra in terms of finance Some really good & beneficial opportunities will come to improve & strong your financial condition but control over bad temperament is required to  grab good results from opportunities. Remember There are no secrets to success rather it is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure Married life will face too much complications if intimacy lacks and a tendency to be as light-hearted as wind is displayed by people born under this rashi. Dhanush rashi, Mithun Rashi, Makar rashi et are some examples of Tula rashi match as these rashi people will be able to understand their mindset and nature of people with Tula rashi better than anyone else. ula rashifal 2016 indicates serious decisions have to be made and careful spending and investments of money has to be ensured or else nothing will be left to procure essential items. Residential properties should be invested on as people with no house of their own will find this year a satisfying one. Heath will be average.


 According to me you have to  keep control on overtures and wrath otherwise this year  will bring troubles for you  Vrishchika rashi 2016 points to a happy and continued to be professional life where your hard work complimented with smartness, sincerity and devotion will bring you good fortune and reputation. . In your lagna , fourth house & in tenth house Saturn, Ketu & rahu are positioned, indicating disturbance in family matters, disputes with elders and seniors. Financially too this year has loads to offer you but just take care of the fact that your tendency to over spend on fashion accessories and personal care does not tolls on your savings much. Love is in the air and also marriage prospets are severe this year. Meen rashi, Vrishba rashi, Makar rashi can be opted for as they prove to be good Vrishchik rashi match. Further, it is a good year to do family planning for married couples. . Shani Sade Sati is at its height so have patience as Patience and Perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. Health will be good in general but periodic medical checkups are suggested to keep going in the pink of health. On an overall basis this rashi people will have very good year.


2016 indicates to some accidents and mishaps to people born under this fire sign called Dhanush. Very bright chances of foreign tour for Sagittarians in the year 2016  &  great opportunities are coming for  those who are already staying away from their ancestral place. You may be an ardent adventure seeker but in order to ensure better life and far more satisfying future, try to resist your adrenaline rush to some extent or else result will be dangerous. .  Second half of the year will bring a lot of appreciation & honour. Financially this year indicates to mixed results where income will be good but failing to save adequately can result in financial annoyances. . Stars are showing strong indication of loss from lottery or betting so advisable to stay away. There is no such thing as accident; it is fate misnamed. Try resisting impulses in this matter. Heath will be good but relying heavily on fast food can cause health complaints. Try to avail protection from cold. Travelling scopes are good.Marriage proposals will be received but make sue to thoroughly inspect before finally committing to anyone.Makar rashi, Mesh rashi, Mithun rashi are believed to be best as Dhanus Rashi match.


Almost the entire year you will have ketu in second house , rahu in eighth house & saturn in eleventh house  due to this you will definitely get good return of your hard work Career will be marked with perks, promotions and reputations, however, your team work spirit has to be rejuvenated and leadership skills sharpened even more than before. With passage of time your career field will be challenged with several issues and challenges that will require your skills to work harmoniously with team and offer help at times. increase your unforeseen expenses resulting financial imbalance.  Mental disturbance from children may also come so stay calm & have tight control over unnecessary expenditures. Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship Try spending quality time with your dear and near one as otherwise you run the risk of divorce this year. et generally is considered to be suitable Makara Rashi match. Health too will suffer and high blood pressure along with other stress related diseases are not uncommon


Career will be good this year but you need to work harder and try resisting your need to have rest periods more than what is normal. Disturbance at work place, disputes with business partner or colleague & tension in marital life may arise. you may face failure in love life too Keep working hard and do what is righ as then only you will get all your dreams come true this year 2016. Kumbh Rashifal 2016 indicates that you will be able to have a strict control over the string of your purse but do take care when you decide to spend as most often then you fail to limit your expenses. Advisable to lead  easy & balanced life. It’s all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work ,friends and family Savings will be good but try not to tax on them heavily on unwanted luxuries. Brishba rashi, Kanya rashi will be good for you if you want to have serious relationships Kumbha Rashi match. Travelling scopes are there and heath will be medium with special care to female diseases.


Fate will not support you much even then you will get constant flow of money throughout the year 2016. Interest towards religious work may arise. Take extra care of your health in the first half of the year Your imagination skills are impressive but failing to imply them into real worl and practical things can give you nothing but annoyance, frustrations and complete failure. you will enjoy good health , family life ,status & honour in society. Meen Rashifal 2016 indicates that your career as photographer, artist, fashion designers, movie directors and florist are sure to prosper if you work both hardly and smarty in these fields. . Remember the most happy man is he who knows how to bring into relation the end & beginning of his life. Try resisting being overly emotional as then it will be used as weapons to hurt your feeling by your own closed ones. Vrishchik rashi, Karkat rashi, Makar rashi etc are some good Meena Rashi match as per Vedic astrology. Stress, anxiety, nervous disorder and emotional trauma might cause your bad health this year but doing some meditation,

Sunday 6 September 2015

palmistry for home

10 Clues You Should Stay Home From Work Today

1A Grid or a Grille-   A grid or grille generally looks roughly like a tic-tac-toe board, and can be large or small, found anywhere in the palm. Grids and grilles represent barriers and obstacles that can be frustrating, but that can be surmounted with Herculean effort. If you're looking for a laid-back day at work, the appearance of a grid or a grille means you'll have anything but, especially if it is located along the midline of your hand under your middle finger where your destiny line and signs about your work life and financial duties lie.

2. Unusual Flexibility- The  industry depends on the idea that increased flexibility is a good thing, and in general it is. However, if you suddenly wake up one day noticing increased flexibility in your active hand, you should be aware of two things. The first is your angle of generosity, in between your thumb and pointer finger. If this angle suddenly becomes wider, you are giving too much of yourself, and opportunities for a raise at work or advancement may be slipping through your fingers. The second is your angle of eccentricity between your pinky finger and your ring finger. If this angle suddenly becomes wider, you may be going off the beaten path without the support of your boss or coworkers, to the point where you might be angling to get fired.

3. Blue, Black, Yellow, or Grey Dots-Colored dots are the quickest changes that can appear or disappear on the hand. You might hop into the shower in the morning with your hands looking normal, but emerge to see a brightly colored dot appearing somewhere in your palm. Look especially for those that are forming on that midline underneath your middle finger for warnings about your work day. Yellow dots can show your energy running low and your patience wearing thin, so conserve yourself. Blue dots represent depression, while greyish or blackish dots can represent endings and limitations that can be rather unpleasant

4. Adversity Lines-Adversity lines begin on the thumb edge of your hand, below your thumb, and sweep up onto the fleshy base of your palm from which your thumb protrudes. Each of these lines represents an adversary or an enemy in your life, and if you have one or more of these appear before you head off to work it is a big warning sign. A coworker or boss may be out for blood, so you'd better lay low and not take the blame for anything.

5. Worry Lines-- Worry lines are natural for some people. These tiny and numerous lines appear for some to radiate down from the base of your thumb. Watch those worry lines to see if they are multiplying. It can be especially problematic if you notice those worry lines spreading so far down your palm that they cross your life line, that curved line that wraps around the muscular flesh where your thumb joins your palm. Such long worry lines show that your work troubles may be getting so stressful that they are affecting your physical health. You might be heading for a mental breakdown or even a heart attack.

6. Star- A star is the classic warning sign that makes palm readers gasp in horror. But actually, stars aren't really that rare, and most people will have a star make at least a brief appearance at some point in their lives. The sudden appearance of a deep star made up of lines, however, represents a serious conflict that could change the course of your life. You may want to retreat to your bed or even take some vacation time to rethink your goals.

7.  Poison Line-A poison line is a horizontal line that begins very low on the percussive edge of your palm (the one opposite your thumb that you would use to make a Karate chop motion). It crosses almost all the way across the palm to the fleshy mount at the base of your thumb. If you have a poison line normally, it means that you are sensitive to allergens or toxins in your environment. If it suddenly appears one day, beware of your hom or work environment, because there is something downright dangerous in your surroundings. 

8. Overall Change in Color, Puffiness, Temperature, Stiffness, Texture, or Moisture-Okay, so you don't have to be a psychic to know that if you wake up with a fever and chills, feeling stiff and bloated, with clammy, pale hands that you're downright ill. However, your hands can show these signs more quickly than other parts of your body. Like the colored dots mentioned earlier, subtle changes to the tint of your skin may have those corresponding symbolic meanings. Stiffness that isn't brought on by arthritis or illness can signal inflexibility in your way of doing things that is going to cause you problems in life. Skin that is too thin or too thick can represent oversensitivity or callousness, respectively, when dealing with coworkers. All of these signs can be clues to an underlying source of illness or oncoming burn-out that has to be addressed before you go back to the grindstone.

9. Shallow or Chaining Lines- How do the lines in the palms of your hands normally look? Everybody has a different natural state of the lines in their hands; some people have deep channels, while others have thin and shallow lines that look like a string of islands or a chain. The depth of your lines represent spiritual and vital energy, and like a river—deeper is better. Some people naturally "run cool" on a shallow or chained flow of energy in their lines. However, if you normally have deep channels that suddenly become more shallow and faint, it is a big warning sign that you are running on empty and about to be burned out physically and spiritually.

10. Ring of Saturn- A Ring of Saturn is a line that cups below your middle finger. It represents a serious barrier to your goals, especially those that pertain to your sense of duty and your finances. So, rather than being a red flag about dangers at work, a Ring of Saturn appearing one morning means that there may be a deeper and more philosophical problem with your job not aligning with your values, hopes, and dreams. Not only should you call in sick to work, but you should spend the day sprucing up your résumé and finding employment that is more conducive to your material and financial well-being.

Saturday 5 September 2015

Future Life Partner In Palmistry

Does Palmistry Predict Who You Will Marry with you ?

you go through the process of falling in love, there are likely to be many times when you doubt your feelings, or those of your partner than constantly have your relationship devolve into breakup and other problems you may want to have a palm reading in order to see if it will help you reframe your point of reference. At the very least, if you have an initial reading that indicates you are going to marry the person in question, then you can ask for further readings about current events. 

Consider a situation where you met someone at a party or meeting, and immediately felt some kind of attraction you may find that the other person has been in a few bad relationships If you are in the same condition you may not initially think much on the matter, you may find that you, or your partner wind up acting just like you did in a previous relationship When you care enough about yourself or someone else, then you will want to break free of those old habits This, in turn, represents one of the best times to have your palms read in order toFIND OUT more about where the relationship is headed.


Inhance Your Business Boost With Palmistry

All person wants that he/she gets success in his or her business and they can become capable to enhance their business. By using the palmistry, you can able to enhance your businessPalmistry is the best way to give an answer of insightful question By using the palmistry, you can able to know that what things are right for your business that can easily be used to enhance your business The tips which are given by using the palmistry are very useful to enhance your business. By using the palmistry many people are able to enhance their business.

Indication In Palmistry for Business

If a person has a long heart line in his or her palm of hand, then it indicates the business with him or her. If your thumb is short and the line of heart is long, then it indicates that you have done business with your heart hence you can get loss in your business. The palm reader is the person who tells you about your destiny using the palm of your hand. These indications about your business prove very important in your business, so you can get success in the business. If you want to know indication of the business, then you should use the palmistry for this

Yog of Business In Palmistry

Business Yog represents that, can you able for the business or not. If the business line is found in your palm, then you can do any business and definitely get success in your business. A person has the heart line end between the Saturn and the Jupiter finger, and then it shows that there is a business Yog in his or her hand and he becomes a good businessman or businesswoman. According to palmistry if a person does not have the business line in his or hand, then he or she should not try for any business, because they can get a big loss in their business.

Business Or Job Line In Palmistry

To spend life, money is more important. Money has the power that can build a kingdom or destroy a kingdom. To earn money in your life you should have a job or your own business, because we can earn money only from these two things. We can to know that what should be done a job or a business by using the palmistry. To get a job or doing a business in today’s world is very difficult. You need someone who helps you in your job or business, and then the palmistry will helps you in this.        

Business Success in Palmistry

Every person wants to do some business, but it is not enough because in this the matter is that if your business gets success or not. If you want to know that if you get success or loss in your business, then the palmistry will tell you everything about your business. It tells us that can, you are able for the business or not. If you are able for a business, then it gives you the best solution which is very useful to make your business successful. If you face any problem in your business, then you can contact us, we will remove that problem from your business.